Car Cozies and Woodsy Weddings

I found this picture on Etsy’s Tumblr and it kind of made my day. (well so did a certain announcement from my favorite band ever Guster, but more on that later…) I like the word “cozy” in reference to a knitted item that you put over an object. I think it describes a cozy’s purpose exactly. How cute and cozy and awesome does that car look? I would like to ride in it. (photo credit here)

Smart car cozy

Also, a few weeks ago, Etsy posted this photo on their Tumblr. I can’t stop thinking about it for some reason.

Woodsy wedding

They just look happy and with the dogs and in the woods and so un-wedding-y. She’s sitting on a log in her wedding dress for God’s sakes! I love it. Photo by Leah Verwey.

fuel me up

Reading about alternate fuels in my CNN morning email. I like what Robert McCormick, the principal engineer at the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Lab in Colorado says. He “believes that ‘just making more’ is not enough. ‘I think that the answer to reducing our petroleum-import problem and reducing the carbon emissions from transportation is really threefold. It involves replacement fuels like biofuels, it involves using much more efficient vehicles than we use today, and it involves driving less.”

I could probably rant and go on about alternate fuels and vehicle emissions and saving the planet all day. I’ll refrain. If you know me at all, you know where I stand on that topic. I’m waiting for the day when I need a new car and can buy a hybrid:D

the (potential) death of franny

i’ve killed franny. on my way to work yesterday i rear ended a car. i’m not entirely sure it was my fault as he was stopped in the middle of the road, no hazard lights on or anything. though mostly my fault. by the time the whole ordeal was over i was 2 hours late for work, sopping wet and shivering, and had recieved a ticket and a mandatory court date, which conviniently falls right in the middle of our chicago excursion. you can view the damages to the left. the radiator is also apparently smashed back. i’m fucked. either i clean out my savings account to fix the damages or i clean out my savings account to buy a new car. oh well, minor setback.